Chuck's Concepts And Methods Are Actually Someone Else's...

  • Chuck Quinton signed a contract in 2008 with, Alison Thietje (someone Eric Kaplan learned from), which gave him permission to use her research, to teach the concepts found in RotarySwingTour, in exchange for a 10% royalty… AND NEVER PAID HER!
  • ​Chuck even hired someone to transcribe Alison’s lectures so Chuck could copy them to write his Rotary Swing Tour Golf Instructor Certification Manual.

The ‘Secret 2-Inch Move’?

Yup, Chuck took that from Alison Thietje

(If fact, here are Chuck’s own words about his work with Alison Thietje…)

Let’s explore just how much Chuck took from Alison...

Pushing vs. Pulling

Here is Alison teaching Chuck the differences between pushing and
pulling, in Chuck’s own certification manual!

Alison recalls in her first lesson with Chuck he had a very wide stance, centered his weight on the balls of his feet, and began his swing with a push vs. a pull…

Chuck even copied Alison's story about working with stroke victims...

She also recalls that before he started his online golf instruction marketing company, he was selling snowboards. LOL

Alison's Lectures

(2008 Orthopedic Associates Golf Seminar Hosted By Alison And Her Medical Advisory Board)

Chuck's Manual

(years later)

‘Stance Width’


Alison (2008)

Chuck... years later

‘The Takeaway’


Alison (2008)

Chuck... years later

‘The Box vs. Rectangle’


Alison's Lectures

(2008 Orthopedic Associates Golf Seminar Hosted By Alison And Her Medical Advisory Board)

Chuck's Manual

(years later)

‘What Is A Fundamental?’


Alison's Lectures

(2008 Orthopedic Associates Golf Seminar Hosted By Alison And Her Medical Advisory Board)

Chuck's Manual

(years later)

‘How The Brain Learns’


Alison's Lectures

(2008 Orthopedic Associates Golf Seminar Hosted By Alison And Her Medical Advisory Board)

Chuck's Manual

(years later)

‘Pushing vs. Pulling’


Alison's Lectures

(2008 Orthopedic Associates Golf Seminar Hosted By Alison And Her Medical Advisory Board)

Chuck's Manual

(years later)

Additional Videos

Interview with Alison Thietje herself

Dr. King, Director of Alison's Medical Advisory Board, discussing Hip Hinging, 2007:

Dr. King discussing The Rectangle, 2007:

Alison, Push v Pull, 2008:

Proof Alison Has Been Teaching These Concepts Since 2000

HERE ARE CHUCK’S OWN WORDS ABOUT THE DIFFERENCES  BETWEEN HIS FIRST AND SECOND SWING MODELS, in the next section on this page we are going to take a look at his first book, ‘The Rotary Swing’ from 2007 and dive into how the fundamentals he taught before meeting Alison where the opposite of what he teaches now.

This just must be Chuck’s way of doing business: take from others, call it your own, aggressively threaten those who reveal the truth, and then try to attach yourself to others' experience with PGA Tour Pros, because you have none of your own…

Plus, Chuck isn’t even that great of a golfer…

(Perhaps he should go back to what he was doing before starting his online golf instruction website)